Retail Displays
If you set aside the fact that you need to know how best to benefit from the ways that you use your retail shelving and retail displays, and just enter stores to visually assess their displays, you can learn a lot. It is a great deal more challenging to set up displays effectively than many realise and it benefits you to forget the “norms” and instead focus on your shoppers, your products and how these two elements can be put together best.
1. You Should Consider Themes
Now, that does not mean you need to use retail shelving to layout a theme between all of the goods. What it means, and what Entrepreneur Magazine emphasizes is this: “Instead of mixing all sorts of displays in your store, you would be better served to establish an overall theme that will unite your merchandise. All displays need not look exactly alike, but they should be compatible or blend in with each other.”
2. Choose Your Retail Displays Based on Permanence…Or Not
What that means is actually very simple – when selecting your retail shelving, decide just where you have permanent or fixed displays and where you are going to allot space for rearranging and reorganizing the retail displays.
3. Remember the Target
Though you are going to use and select retail shelving based on themes and basic layout options, never forget your target audience and what they like. Would they prefer something like clothing racks as opposed to showcases and gondolas? Take time to visit stores of a similar nature and also patronised by your buyers and see how they are displaying goods.
4. Make it Fresh
You will also want to set up any retail displays to allow you to easily and effectively refresh the displays. As an example, newer arrivals need a spot towards the primary entrance, and other displays can be used for older goods. Using displays with adjustable shelves or bars can also help to keep older inventory blended with newer stock and depict fresher inventory on a constant basis.
5. Leave Space
One of the most important elements to setting up displays is to ensure plenty of visual and physical space around them. This is particularly true of the more popular goods, which need to be accessible to customers who wish to select from the inventory displayed or just take in the details without being jostled by other shoppers.
Use these five simple tactics and your displays will yield the best results yet.
Contact Us
Are you ready to upgrade your displays with attractive, affordable retail shelving designed to help you increase revenue? If you are, then contact us today to discuss your project with an ADP Store Fixtures store designer.